If deposited at BDO:
The format is: DEP Name, Username, BDO, Branch Name, Branch Code, Date, Time, Amount
For example: DEP Juan dela Cruz, 09123456789, BDO, cebu city, 123cd, 2018-12-09, 12:45:38, 1000
The branch code is the 3-digit number following the letters CD below the word Uniwiz on the validated deposit slip. If transferred through BDO Internet Banking:
The format is: DEP Name, Username, BDO-IB, Reference Number, Date, Time, Amount
For example: DEP Juan dela Cruz, 09123456789, BDO-IB, FT20181209-115599, 2018-12-09, 12:45:38, 1000
This information is specific to Banco de Oro (BDO) and may not be applicable to other banks.
If deposited at Metrobank (MBTC):
The format is: DEP Name,Username,MBTC,Branch Name,Date,Time,Amount
For example: DEP Juan dela Cruz, 09123456789, MBTC, cebu city, 2018-12-09, 12:45:38, 1000
If transferred through Metrobank (MBTC) - Internet Banking:
The format is: DEP Name,Username,MBTC-IB,Sequence Number,Date,Time,Amount
For example: DEP Juan dela Cruz, 09123456789, MBTC-IB, 854623, 2018-12-09, 12:45:38, 1000
This information is specific to Metrobank (MBTC) and may not be applicable to other banks.
If deposited at EastWest Bank (EWB):
The format is: DEP Name, Username, EWB, BranchCode, Reference, Date, Time, Amount
For example: DEP Juan dela Cruz, 09123456789, EWB, 2207, TT19170WYDV7, 2019-06-20, 12:34:56, 1000
If transferred through EastWest Bank (EWB) - Internet Banking:
The format is: DEP Name, Username, EWB-IB, Reference, Date, Time, Amount
For example: DEP Juan dela Cruz, 09123456789, EWB-IB, FT19170QCX2R, 2019-06-20, 12:34:56, 1000
This information is specific to EastWest Bank (EWB) and may not be applicable to other banks.